How to get Your Garden Ready for Spring Planting

Even though it may still feel like the middle of winter, now is the time to start thinking about how your are going to prepare your garden for spring. I know it feels like we’ve only just tucked the garden up for the winter, but now it’s time to get back outside and start gently waking your garden up so that it is ready to bloom in the spring time.
First things first, be sure to give your area a thorough inspection. Check raised beds for bowing sides and make sure that all of your fences and trellises are rot free and not broken. Check out how much weed growth you have to contend with, so that you know which tools you are going to need to get your soil back into tip top shape.
Before starting out, make sure that all of your tools are clean and are in working order. Clean them thoroughly and sharpen anything with an edge. Be sure to inspect all of your power tools, such as chainsaws, lawnmowers and string trimmers to ensure that they are clean and safe for use.
Clear any fallen leaves, branches, dead plants and other compostable debris from the surface of your soil before attempting to nourish it. If you have a compost heap or bin, dig up 5cm of your flower beds and mix in well routed compost or manure. Turning over the soil will likely churn hibernating creepy crawlies to the surface, so you might as well get rid of them now rather than waiting until the summer.
Give your soil time to dry out properly before you start planting. If you plan on planting plants that require a longer season, start them off in a heated green house so that when the weather starts warming up you have seedlings ready to plant.