Cheap raised beds for planting vegetables in your garden

Raised garden beds are an increasingly popular option for gardeners, and it’s easy to see why! They provide a secure, controlled area in which to plant your flowers or vegetables, are easier to maintain, and don’t disturb your existing garden any more than you want them to. There are lots of options online for purchasing raised beds, or kits to make your own, but if you’re interested in building your own cheap raised beds then this is entirely possible. For a fraction of the cost, and a little extra hard work, you can fashion your own cheap raised beds to whatever bespoke specifications you’d prefer. Here’s some tips on going about this DIY project:

Sourcing the Material

How long your raised beds last will depend on what wood you use to build them. However, if you’re able to source your wood for free, it won’t matter so much if they only last a few years! It’s up to you to decide what to prioritise here - price or longevity. If you want to save as much money as possible, we recommend checking on sites such as Freecycle to see what sort of wood people might be looking to get rid of at no cost. Also, why not ask around locally about any pallets that might be going spare? Whether shops or neighbours, you’re bound to find something. Gumtree is also a great option for sourcing cheap wood, and although you will have to pay something, it shouldn’t cost very much at all. By sourcing your wood this way, you’ll be saving yourself a lot of money but it is unlikely to be wood that has been treated for outside. Therefore, do be aware that you’ll want to rebuild your raised beds at some point over the next five years.

Building Your Cheap Raised Beds

Now that you’ve sourced your wood, you can start constructing the beds. There are some really great tutorials online on how to do this, from the very simple to the more complex. Remember, if you are constructing your cheap raised beds in an area that already has soil, don’t forget to utilise this! Dig up the topsoil and place it on some tarpaulin to mix into your compost later to help with your plant growth. Once you’ve done this, construction can begin! This Old House has a wonderfully in-depth step by step, geared towards the raised beds being child-friendly. For an even more in-depth and informative tutorial, eartheasy is the place to go. Happy building!